Wednesday, March 3, 2010

flash is dead... long live... *yawn*

well html5 has been rumbling around and 'maturing' for a while now...

i was recently introduced to the youtube html5 beta via fark iirc (linkfail). anywho, the article quoted some steve jobs flash/ipad/drama foo, and also included some nice quotes about epic flash failure from charlie 'i pwn n00b devs in my sleep' miller XD

sooo, throw a supported user-agent to youtube annnndddd... fail. firefox supports html5, but only some open video format, yada yada yada...

wellll, i wonder if there's anything interesting in the youtube src?

<script type="text/javascript">
var yt = yt || {};
yt.preload = yt['preload'] || {};
yt.preload.start = function() {
var img = new Image();
yt.preload.VideoConnectionReference = img;
img.onload = img.onerror = function () {
delete yt.preload.VideoConnectionReference;
img.src = '';
img = null;

soooo, i know *nothing* about html5 atm, but that's what jumped out at me...

scripts with interactions on the network layer, some id-foo, expire-foo, and key-foo... sounds like an interesting attack surface at a minimum ;)

i'll confess i downloaded chrome to try out the html5 vid... i'm glad i did for the new spinny loading graphic and this epic quote:

'all the bugs have been worked out of flash'
- @pzembashis

(btw, nice work misrepresenting html5 support in browsers pal :P [jkjk!])

lulz... anywho, security aside, sry steve jobs but my cpu wasn't very happy even w/o fullscreen... and man, to think these people are trying to go against flash w/ chop like that, ick :-\

prolly some interesting stuff to find in the rfc-ish linkage...?

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