Saturday, June 27, 2009

cloud security redux

short and sweet post.... tons of talk about the cloud over the last 6-12 months...

so the cloud is a bunch of boxes offering a service out there on inet. all the security discussion i've seen has focused basically on confidentiality of your data once it enters the cloud, but mb there's another way to look at it.

clouds are potentially massive environments of resources which are allocated and partitioned to paying customers. instead of focusing on the risk posed to cloud customers, why not look a little at the risk to the cloud operators?

clouds are big business networks, and big networks are often under-monitored. attacking cloud allocation schemes could result in resources being allocated to an attacker off-the-record. "ghost" resources in the cloud controlled by an attacker who isn't paying for service and isn't abiding by the ToS. these ghost resources could be used for all kinds of illegitimate purposes with significant value for the attacker who controls them.

if you are subtle, you could probably operate under the radar within the cloud for quite some time...

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