Tuesday, April 7, 2009

rw sec blurb

the overlaps in rw-sec and infosec tempt me into running astray w/ my blog posts from time to time... here is one of those times...

ran across this article about how obama is using the 'state secrets' bit to block lawsuits fighting the warrantless wiretapping program. rather than delving into any political bs, i want to try to examine motives here...

why would obama, who is generally seen as far opposite of bush, support one of the single most controversial programs and legal positions of the bush administration?

  • lack of moral character: he betrays key asserted ideals once he assumes the throne

  • pressure from hidden powers: intel agencies (et al) force his hand in some political thriller type scenario

  • executive power precedent: now that the executive branch has asserted such broad authority under the premise of national security, it would be moronic to give that power up (i blogged supporting this position earlier)

  • sources & methods: there is significant intel value in this program, or in a related undisclosed program

at the moment i hate to learn towards the 4th option, but i am. i think executive power is still a compelling argument ("oh, i won't use this great power for evil!"), but maybe once he got briefed in he found out that there is value here. no matter if they ID'd Atta or not, it's clear that Abel Danger demonstrated a continued commitment to generate info from data for signals intel... perhaps the next generation programs are bearing fruit...

so pointless to speculate about really... anywho, maybe infosec posts again someday?

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