Thursday, July 17, 2008

crappy code

old crappy code lingers like that huge heap of trash out in the pacific...

nothin special, just ran across these today and they caught my eye...

0x0360: .0.60;...opacity
0x0370: :.0.60;..}....*.
0x0380: html.#TB_overlay
0x0390: .{./*.ie6.hack.*
0x03a0: /.......position
0x03b0: :.absolute;.....
0x03c0: ..height:.expres
0x03d0: sion(

document.write(' \n'); //FS hide this from IE4.5 Mac by splitting the tag

* edit: removed the hex b/c of stupid whitespace
** edit: the crappy code is IE, in case i wasn't specific enough on that

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